Self Care Day

One Saturday, I somehow found myself with zero plans or responsibilities. Except for taking care of my neighbor’s dog, which is a welcome responsibility! :)

Anyways, I decided to make the most of this free day by dedicating it to my self care. Here’s everything I did:


Chiropractor appointment

My self care day started bright and early at the chiropractor at 7:50am! I don’t have back problems, but I still love going to the chiropractor for whole-body alignment and balance.

Grocery shopping

While I was out, I went to the grocery store to get some yummy and nutritious food so I can make healthy meals during the week.


When I got back home, I did a P.volve workout – really working to stretch and lengthen each muscle in my body. Admittedly, I haven't been working out as much as I would like due to my crazy work schedule, but I'm doing the best I can!

Cold shower

Next, I hopped in the shower to refresh after my workout. But, this wasn’t a typical, relaxing hot shower – it was a freezing cold shower. Sam and Lauryn have educated me about the benefits of cold showers, and although I was really intimidated by them, I knew I couldn’t avoid them any longer. So, I blasted God is a woman and danced in the shower for 3 minutes (per Sam’s advice.) Since I knew I wouldn't be in there forever, I was able to stick it out. It was difficult, but not as hard as I thought it would be – plus it’s like a natural energetic high when you get out.



After my shower experience, I refueled with some fresh fruit and a protein smoothie while I did some writing. 

Foam rolling and stretching

Then, I did some foam rolling to recover from my workout and prep for the sauna! 


I went to the sauna and sweated it out for 55 minutes. I tried to read a book but I ended up just laying in there lol!


Dinner and dessert

After a healthy dinner, I made some of my favorite chocolate banana ice cream. If you haven’t tried nice cream, omg it’s life changing! Just mix frozen bananas, almond milk, and cacao powder in a food processor and you have this magical, healthy ice cream.

Hair mask and shower

I’ve been trying to put more effort into my haircare routine, so I did a deep conditioning mask with argan oil (and proceeded to accidentally knock over the bottle and spill it all over the counter top. Oops) Then I did my usual shower routine with my chill playlist on in the background to set the mood.

Reality tv

After a lovely shower, I slipped into bed (fresh sheets + freshly shaved legs = a match made in heaven) and watched Paris in Love. Then, I read my book until I wanted to go to sleep. 

Sometimes it’s hard for me to completely relax like this because I feel guilty about it, but I find it’s always beneficial to give my mind a complete rest. We all work so hard in our day-to-day lives, and I think our minds are similar to our bodies in that they need proper rest to recuperate. Then, they can perform even better for us!

And there you have it, my self care day! Obviously you don't have to do any/all of these things to take care of yourself, these are just some of the things that I like to do. (And I encourage you to find the things that you love!) 

Now, go have yourself a happy self care day!


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