Your Guide to Creating a Morning Routine

The importance of a morning routine can’t be overstated. It’s so true that how we start the morning sets the tone for a successful and productive day! Here is my guide to creating the morning routine that works the best for you.

5 tips for a successful routine

  1. Set the intention – remind yourself that you’re waking up with the intention to focus on YOU by taking care of yourself and working on your goals

  2. Start small – don’t feel pressured to do an extravagant or complicated routine right away. Start with a more basic, sustainable routine, and you can always add on from there 

  3. Go to bed early – we want to rest so we can have plenty of energy to perform our healthy habits and feel our very best!

  4. Give yourself enough time – Give yourself enough time so you can actually enjoy your routine. I adapt my routine on the days that I have an event/appointment in the morning or am going into the office because I wouldn’t want to rush through it

  5. Plan out the steps – if you’re just starting a routine, write out the exact steps you want to do (more on that below)

What to include in your routine

Each person has a different morning routine that’s going to work the best for them. Within that, I think there are certain fundamentals that you should always include: 

  • Self care - we need to destress before the busy day

  • Health - taking care of our bodies makes us glow from the inside out

  • Productivity - the morning is an ideal time to make progress on our goals because we’re the most focused

From there, you can customize your routine to include the self care practices, healthy rituals, and productivity habits that you like best! Here’s a list to give you inspiration:

I - Self care

  • Journal

  • Meditate

  • Read

  • Take a few extra moments to get ready for yourself – apply makeup, perfume, do your hair, etc. (perhaps even recite some positive affirmations while you getting ready!)

  • Call a loved one

II - Health

  • Do your favorite workout (I love yoga, P.volve, and even just doing some barre work)

  • Do your skincare routine

  • Hot girl walk with a motivational podcast

  • Drink lots of water or warm water with lemon

  • Prepare a nutritious breakfast

III - Productivity 

  • Check your calendar and plan your priorities for the day

  • Make a to do list (or review it if you made one the night before)

  • Get a headstart on work

  • Take just one step towards one of your goals

  • Complete one task from your to do list

I think as long as you incorporate these fundamentals, you’ll have a successful routine. You could literally just pick one thing from each list — for example, you can decide that you’re going to wake up, journal about how you’re feeling, drink a glass of water, and make a to-do list for the day. Simple as that – it doesn’t have to be overcomplicated or overwhelming.

My routine

I cherish my morning routine and look forward to it every day! I’m far from perfect, so like I said I adapt this routine depending on my work, if I have an appointment/event, and just how I’m feeling day-to-day. This is what it currently looks like on an ideal day:

Wake up

I like to wake up early, anywhere from 6:00-7:00am, as I find it gives me a jumpstart to the day. When I wake up, I remember my motivation and set the intention to feel positive and grateful. I also make my bed, too!

Hydration & vitamins

I drink warm lemon water to alkalize my system and hydrate my body. I also take my probiotic, vitamins, and anxiety medication (yay!) with my water.


Then, I make my favorite green smoothie for breakfast so I have energy for the day. While I’m eating, I review my calendar, my priorities, and get started on work.

Getting ready

Next, I do the essentials like brushing my teeth, doing my skincare (just serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen in the a.m.), and getting dressed. I listen to uplifting music or an inspirational podcast while I get ready. 


I find I’m most productive in the morning, so I try to fit in a block of focused work time. When my mind needs a rest, it’s time for a break!

Walk/workout/stretch break

Depending on my work schedule, I also like to fit in some movement or a workout. My non-negotiables are a quick walk and stretch break. If I’m super busy, sometimes that’s all I have time for in the morning and I aim to get another form of movement in later in the day. 

If I have time for a full workout, I’ll go for a long walk (I like going to Central Park or Riverside Park), or I’ll do a workout on my yoga mat. Then, I’ll take a quick shower so I’m refreshed for the rest of the day. Honestly, the best feeling is post-workout and post-shower when you’re a little tired, but still energized by the endorphins that exercise gives. I find that a good workout sets me up for a productive and happy rest of the day.

Now, we’re ready to have an amazing day!


What Does Self Care Mean To You?


Confidence Chat with Ana